
Transnational call: For a better connection between refugee protesters in Europe and worldwide / Transnationaler Aufruf: für eine bessere Verbindung unter den Refugee-Protesten in Europa und weltweit

“Hello dear friends, it was very great and necessary to start protesting in Austria by marching from Traiskirchen to Vienna. There are many setbacks by repression and politics, but we don’t want to lose our dignity. That’s why we want to have another, better, bigger demonstration. Let’s rise EU-wide!”

Solidaritätsschreiben des französischen Bischofs Jacques Gaillot / Lettre de solidarité de l’évêque francais Jacques Gaillot / Solidarity letter of Bishop Jacques Gaillot

“A short while ago, I heard that refugees found shelter in a church, where they began a hunger strike. They have surely sought shelter in this church because they were scared, scared of being arrested by the police and deported into their countries of origin.
For the church it is an honor to welcome and accomodate these people.” …

Dichiarazione Internazionale di Solidarietà

I migranti contestano il regime autoritario dei confini e le politiche delle migrazioni dell’Europa e degli altri Stati membri.

International Statement of Solidarity

“The protest camp set up by asylumseekers in Vienna has been brutally evicted last night. It is part of a growing European movement of migrant struggles, that has recently seen similar protests in Berlin, Amsterdam and Calais, as well as Lesvos, Budapest and other places.”

Wave of Solidarity with Striking Refugees Holds on / Solidaritätswelle mit streikenden Flüchtlingen hält an

Die Unterstützungswelle mit den hungerstreikenden Refugees in der Votivkirche hält an ungebrochen an. Hier einige Statements…

Solidarische Grüße aus Berlin

Unterstützungserklärung aus Deutschland: “Bewegung auf Straßen braucht praktische Solidarität auf Straßen” / Support from Germany: “The Streets are Right Place to Fight For the Suppressed”

The coordinating committee of Germany-wide refugees’ strike sends solidary greetings to the refugee strikers in Vienna.

Abschiebung eines Flüchtlings nach Nigeria mit Polizeigewalt durchgesetzt

Wien: Protest gegen Abschiebung

Am Abend des 5. Dezembers gab es in Wien den Versuch eine Sammelabschiebung von mindestens fünf Personen nach Nigeria zu verhindern. Etwa 150 Aktivist_innen versuchten diese durch eine Blockade zu verhindern.

Neuer Kompass–AntiRa–Newsletter erschienen!

Kompass–AntiRa–Newsletter über die Flüchtlingsproteste in Wien

Brüssel: The protest of refugees in Europe: Press conference on the 3rd of Dezember in Brussels

Brussels: Press Conference, 3rd of December 2012, in the centre of the John Cockerill park.