
Protest Song Contest: WIR SIND IM VORFINALE ….!!!

Protest Song Contest: WIR SIND IM VORFINALE ….!!! (see info in English below. Francais: voici plus bas) Salaheddine Najah, Yasin Zaaitar, Tommy Nelson und EsRAP ( die Geschwister ) haben was zu sagen beim… Vorfinale: Freitag, 24.Jänner 2014, 19.30h im Haus der Begegnung, Schwenderg. 41,1150 Wien. Eintritt frei- ihr seit alle eingeladen! ——————————————— WE ARE […]

Podium der Diskussionsveranstaltung am 30.1. mit WissenschafterInnen und Refugee Activists an der Universität Wien

Video: Diskussionsveranstaltung, 30.1.: Perspektiven der Flüchtlingsproteste rund um die Votivkirche / Discussion, 30th of January: Perspectives for the refugee protests around church Votivkirche

On 30th of January, 2013, a debate of experts, scientists and refugee activists took place at the University of Vienna. Together the demands and perspectives of the protest were being discussed. / Am 30.1.2013 fand an der Universität eine Diskussionsveranstaltung mit ExpertInnen, WissenschafterInnen und Refugee-AktivistInnen statt. Gemeinsam wurden die Forderungen und die Perspektiven des Protests diskutiert.

Refugee Protest Song beim FM4 Protest Song Contest 2013

25.1.: Refugee Protest Song beim FM4 Protestsongcontest / Refugee protest song at FM4-Protestsong-Contest / Chanson de protestation au concours de la chanson de protestation de la chaine de radio FM4

The refugee protest song, “We love Vienna, je t’aime Vienne” will be performed first time publicly in the preliminary competition on Friday 25th of January 2013 in Vienna.

Boat people of the Sicilian Channel / Boat-people du canal de Sicile

Data and information about the boat people of the Sicilian Channel have been collected throughout the years 2011 and 2012. The reports (in French) show data and recommendations to the Tunisian and European authorities.

Transnational call: For a better connection between refugee protesters in Europe and worldwide / Transnationaler Aufruf: für eine bessere Verbindung unter den Refugee-Protesten in Europa und weltweit

“Hello dear friends, it was very great and necessary to start protesting in Austria by marching from Traiskirchen to Vienna. There are many setbacks by repression and politics, but we don’t want to lose our dignity. That’s why we want to have another, better, bigger demonstration. Let’s rise EU-wide!”

Solidaritätsschreiben des französischen Bischofs Jacques Gaillot / Lettre de solidarité de l’évêque francais Jacques Gaillot / Solidarity letter of Bishop Jacques Gaillot

“A short while ago, I heard that refugees found shelter in a church, where they began a hunger strike. They have surely sought shelter in this church because they were scared, scared of being arrested by the police and deported into their countries of origin.
For the church it is an honor to welcome and accomodate these people.” …