16.2. – Das war der International Day of Action / Report: Feb 16, International Day of Action
USA, Niederlande, Deutschland, Österreich – eine Rückschau auf den International Day of Action. / USA, Netherlands, Germany, Austria – looking back on the International Day of Action.
16.2. Internationale actiedag: Verblijfsrecht voor iedereen! / International Day of Action: Residency rights for everyone!
“We, the rejected asylum seekers who have been protesting for more than a year for our human rights will take to the streets. We cannot return to our homeland, yet we are also denied our human rights here.”
Update about Right to Exist, Refugee House, and tent camp / Update Recht op Bestaan, Vluchthuis en tentenkamp
Flüchtlingsprotest in Den Haag: “Yesterday, we, the deported refugees held a press conference in the squatted church which has been christened as the “Refugee House.” Two spokespeople gave an update about how it is going with the church and the upcoming actions.” …
Video: Den Haag: Persconferentie uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers in Sacramentskerk Sportlaan
Den Haag: Hieronder kan je een stukje zien van de persconferentie.

Sylvester in der Votivkirche: Neujahrsgrüsse der hungerstreikenden Refugees!
Neujahrsgrüße aus der Votivkirche

Fotostrecke #3 Camp, 27.12.
Refugee Protest Camp in Vienna was evicted from the park on December 28th, early in the morning, after 34 days. These pictures show the camp only a few hours before the eviction.