Protest Song Contest: WIR SIND IM VORFINALE ….!!!
Protest Song Contest: WIR SIND IM VORFINALE ….!!! (see info in English below. Francais: voici plus bas) Salaheddine Najah, Yasin Zaaitar, Tommy Nelson und EsRAP ( die Geschwister ) haben was zu sagen beim… Vorfinale: Freitag, 24.Jänner 2014, 19.30h im Haus der Begegnung, Schwenderg. 41,1150 Wien. Eintritt frei- ihr seit alle eingeladen! ——————————————— WE ARE […]

WSF Tunisia 2013: Assembly of Migrants and Solidarity Associations at the / Assemblée des Mouvements de Migrants et des associations de solidarité / Asamblea del Movimiento de l@s Migrantes y de las Asociaciones de solidaridad / Assemblea dei Movimenti dei Migranti e delle Associazioni di solidarietà / نداء من آجل تنظيم جمعية عامة لحركات المهاجرين و الجمعيات المساندة لها, اُثناء المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي- تونس 2013.
“Resisting is just not enough. Today, more than ever, we need to continue the struggle, but also generate proposals, be bold and creative. To start these tasks we are proposing to hold an Assembly of Migrants and Supporters during the World Social Forum in Tunisia next March 2013.”

Solidarische Grüße aus München zum International Day of Action 16.2. / Solidary greetings from Munich on the International Day of Action, Feb 16 2013
Denn wir glauben fest daran: STRUGGLE! UNITY! RESISTANCE! / We believe in Unity, Resistance, Struggle! / Nous croyons en l’Unité, la Résistance, la Lutte!

“We love you, Vienna, je t’aime, Vienne” – Song und Text, jetzt online!
Wir sind zu Fuß von Traiskirchen nach Wien marschiert. Wir haben ein refugee protest camp aufgebaut. Wir haben die Votivkirche besetzt. Wir haben einen Hungerstreik gemacht. Die Regierung ignoriert unsere Forderungen. Stattdessen schickt sie die Polizei um unser Camp zu zerstören und einige von uns in Schubhaft zu sperren. Die Regierung hört unsere Argumente nicht. Vielleicht hört sie unsere Musik.

World Social Forum to be held in Tunis March 26 to 30 / Forum Social Mondial qui se tiendra à Tunis du 26 au 30 Mars / Forum Social Mundial que se realizará en Túnez desde el 26 al 30 de marzo / Forum Sociale Mondiale che si realizzerà a Tunisi dal 26 al 30 marzo
During the next World Social Forum to be held in Tunis March 26 to 30 the theme of migration will be one of the most important points of discussion.

Video: Diskussionsveranstaltung, 30.1.: Perspektiven der Flüchtlingsproteste rund um die Votivkirche / Discussion, 30th of January: Perspectives for the refugee protests around church Votivkirche
On 30th of January, 2013, a debate of experts, scientists and refugee activists took place at the University of Vienna. Together the demands and perspectives of the protest were being discussed. / Am 30.1.2013 fand an der Universität eine Diskussionsveranstaltung mit ExpertInnen, WissenschafterInnen und Refugee-AktivistInnen statt. Gemeinsam wurden die Forderungen und die Perspektiven des Protests diskutiert.

Video: Choucha: The Refugees from the camp are protesting in front of the ministry for human rights / Les réfugiés du camp protestent devant le ministère des Droits de l’Homme / Die Refugees aus dem Camp protestieren vor dem Ministerium für Menschenrechte
“Some of us have met people who are denied access to food and medical treatment by UNHCR since October. In addition, they risk deportation as they have no regular stay in Tunisia.”

25.1.: Refugee Protest Song beim FM4 Protestsongcontest / Refugee protest song at FM4-Protestsong-Contest / Chanson de protestation au concours de la chanson de protestation de la chaine de radio FM4
The refugee protest song, “We love Vienna, je t’aime Vienne” will be performed first time publicly in the preliminary competition on Friday 25th of January 2013 in Vienna.

Fotostrecke #6 Demo 20.1.: ‘Yes’ is an option. / Man kann auch ‘Ja’ sagen. / Il suffirait de dire ‘Oui’
Demonstration vom Volkstheater über die Votivkirche zum PAZ Hernalser Gürtel, in dem noch immer vier Aktivisten in Schubhaft sitzen.
Demonstration in Vienna in solidarity with the four refugee protesters who are in deportation detention.
Manifestation in Vienne in solidarité avec les quatre manifestants réfugiés qui sont en détention d’expulsion.
München: Kongress der protestierenden Flüchtlinge in Europa vom 1.-3. März 2013 / Munich: Congress of the protesting refugees in Europe March 1st-3rd 2013
“Since March 19, 2012, we, the refugees, have been involved in a struggle for obtaining the most elementary human rights, such as freedom and equality, because we will no longer accept to be treated as “foreigners” and human beings of third degree, but instead as every other citizen. This era of our struggle started with a small tent in Würzburg and grew to a huge movement that has been spreading all over Europe.”
Lettre au public d’un des protestataires en grève de faim, La Situation à Kurram Agency au Pakistan
“Je viens du Pakistan ou je vis à Kurram Agency, dans un territoire de tribus sous administration fédérale (FATA =Federally Administered Tribal Areas). (…) Depuis 2007 jusqu’a présent il y a la guerre entre Chiites et Taliban; AlQuaida et Laskar-eTaiba y sont impliqués aussi.”
Boat people of the Sicilian Channel / Boat-people du canal de Sicile
Data and information about the boat people of the Sicilian Channel have been collected throughout the years 2011 and 2012. The reports (in French) show data and recommendations to the Tunisian and European authorities.
Transnational call: For a better connection between refugee protesters in Europe and worldwide / Transnationaler Aufruf: für eine bessere Verbindung unter den Refugee-Protesten in Europa und weltweit
“Hello dear friends, it was very great and necessary to start protesting in Austria by marching from Traiskirchen to Vienna. There are many setbacks by repression and politics, but we don’t want to lose our dignity. That’s why we want to have another, better, bigger demonstration. Let’s rise EU-wide!”
Solidaritätsschreiben des französischen Bischofs Jacques Gaillot / Lettre de solidarité de l’évêque francais Jacques Gaillot / Solidarity letter of Bishop Jacques Gaillot
“A short while ago, I heard that refugees found shelter in a church, where they began a hunger strike. They have surely sought shelter in this church because they were scared, scared of being arrested by the police and deported into their countries of origin.
For the church it is an honor to welcome and accomodate these people.” …
Labour Market for Asylum Seekers – A Stroke of Pen by Hundstorfer Enough / Le marché du travail pour les demandeurs d’asyle – Un trait de crayon d’Hundstorfer suffit / Arbeitsmarkt für Asylwerbende – ein Federstrich Hundstorfers genügt
“We hope that social affairs minister Hundstorfer will respond positively to the suggestion of his party colleague, mayor Häupl, and tackle the opening up of the labour market for asylum seekers at federal level.”