Fight Fortress Europe! Kein Ausbau der Festung Europa! Montag, 21.10., 9 am – 6 pm, Minoritenplatz, 1010 Wien
Fight Fortress Europe! Kein Ausbau der Festung Europa! Ralley- Kundgebung Monday, 21.10.2013, 9am-6pm -not in Herrengasse, but on the back side of the Interior Ministry: Minoritenplatz, 1010 Wien (english below): Das Sterben im Mittelmeer geht weiter, offiziell sind es 1.500 pro Jahr, bei höherer Dunkelziffer. Doch anstatt Maßnahmen zu setzen, die Menschenleben retten, sollen Flüchtlinge […]
Straßenfest, Theater, Flohmarkt + Essen: So, 20.10., ab 13h
Straßenfest, Theater, Flohmarkt + Essen: So, 20.10., ab 13h vor der Servitenkirche Street Party + Theatre, Open Flea Market & Food (english below) Sunday, oct.20th, from 1pm-in front of Servitenkirche —————————————————————————- Straßenfest am Sonntag (20.10.) vor der Servitenkirche – Servitengasse in Wien 1090 Ab 13 Uhr wird ein kleiner Flohmarkt, Theater und Essen vorbereitet. Es […]
Ralley in front of the German Embassy in Vienna in solidarity with the hungerstriking non-citizens in Berlin.
Ralley in solidarity with the hungerstriking non-citizens in Berlin in front of the German Embassy in Vienna. Wednesday 16/10/2013, 2 pm Metternichgasse 3 (close to U4 Stadtpark. exit ‘Salesianergasse’, then turn left in ‘strohgasse’ or take tram 71 to ‘Unteres Belvedere’ follow the ‘Rennweg’ then turn left into ‘Metternichgasse’ ) Since the 9th of october […]
Open Doors at the Refugee Protest/ Tage der Offenen Tür im Servitenkloster
Willkommen im Refugee Protest Wien! (English below) Wir laden alle Interessierten und Engagierten ein: Tage der Offenen Tür im Servitenkloster: Fr, 18. Okt. und Do, 24, Okt. 2013, 19h (Nach dem Parkplatz-Eingang zum Servitenkloster in der Müllnergasse 9, 1090, links die Stiegen hinunter zum “Theaterkeller”). Zusätzlich gibt es weiterhin unsere wöchentlichen Plena. Da die dzt. […]
RISE Benefizkonzert
Freitag, 01.11.2013 Einlass: 20:00 Badeschiff/LDRM Alle Infos: _______
12 hours refugee protest at parliament!
Tuesday, 24th of Sept.: 12 hours of refugee protest at parliament 10am in the morning till 10 pm at night! We need solutions for a safe stay!
Photo Exhibition von Seyed Muhammed Mustafa
Celebrate the Opening – Vernissage with us and bring your friends: Friday, sept. 20th, 7p.m. Bring your friends! Kommt und bringt Freund*innen mit – wir feiern die Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Freitag, 20.Sept., 19h! Works of Photographer Seyed Muhammed Mustafa Vienna November 2012 – September 2013 Öffnungszeiten: 21.09.-29.09.2013 Di – So 10-18h Opening hours: 21.09.-29.09.2013 […]
Rebelodrom / NoborderZone
This Opening evening will be a special Donation and Campagning Evening for the Refugee Protest Movement you are very welcome to join! Rebelodrom – Love Attacks on Austria! Aktionslabor für politische Interventionen – Performance/Installation/Aktivismus/Filmprogramm/Party Zeit: 19.9. 2013 – 21h Opening Gala 20.9. – 29.9. 2013, 15 – 22h (tägl. Programm) Karlsplatz 5 vor dem brut […]
Rise Together! Conference
Saturday, 21.09.2013, 10.00 – 17.00, HÖRSAAL 2, NIG (Neues Universitätsgebäude) Universitätsstr. 7, 1010 Wien On the day after the demonstration we want to gather for talks and discussions. We want to push the refugee protest forward, not only by increased visibility in the streets but also by exchanging knowledge and ideas. To make this possible […]
Film premier screening, podium discussion “Da.Sein” 17.09, weitere Vorführungen: 19.09 und 20.09.
Tuesday, 17th of September, as part of “Wienwoche”, there will be the premier presentation of our documentary movie “Da.Sein” at Schikaneder-cinema (1040, Margaretenstraße 24). The issue of the movie are the experiences and the lives of people who were deported to Nigeria and Togo from Austria and Germany. The movie shows different perspectives on the […]
Demonstrations 10.9., 20.9. (Großdemo) und 01.10.
Die Termine für die kommenden Demonstrationen sind: The dates for the next demos are: * Di/Tue, 10.09., 17.00 at Abschubhäfn Rossauerlände! * Fr 20.9. Großdemo / demonstration No one is illegal 16.00 in front of the Museumsquartier, Omofuma Denkmal! 18.30 vor dem Abschiebegefängnis Rossauer Lände Schlusskundgebung & kreative Aktionen / Final manifestation in front of […]
Letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
On behalf of the Refugee Protest Camp Vienna, Klaus Werber-Lobo (from the Green Party) handed over a letter written by the refugees to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the Vienna City Hall. “Dear General Secretary, First of all, we refugees of the Serviten monastery would like to welcome you to the beautiful city of Vienna! […]
Jango Edwards performing for Refugee Protest Camp
Jango Edwards performing for Refugee Protest Camp Saturday, 31/08/2013 3:00 pm Servitenkloster, Müllnergasse 6, 1090 Vienna Jango Edwards, founder of the “Nouveau Clown” movement, is one the most successful contemporary comedians worldwide. Born in the USA, he has performed all over the planet. He has been persecuted by Homeland Security and lives as a refugee […]