WSF Tunisia 2013: Assembly of Migrants and Solidarity Associations at the / Assemblée des Mouvements de Migrants et des associations de solidarité / Asamblea del Movimiento de l@s Migrantes y de las Asociaciones de solidaridad / Assemblea dei Movimenti dei Migranti e delle Associazioni di solidarietà / نداء من آجل تنظيم جمعية عامة لحركات المهاجرين و الجمعيات المساندة لها, اُثناء المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي- تونس 2013.
“Resisting is just not enough. Today, more than ever, we need to continue the struggle, but also generate proposals, be bold and creative. To start these tasks we are proposing to hold an Assembly of Migrants and Supporters during the World Social Forum in Tunisia next March 2013.”

World Social Forum to be held in Tunis March 26 to 30 / Forum Social Mondial qui se tiendra à Tunis du 26 au 30 Mars / Forum Social Mundial que se realizará en Túnez desde el 26 al 30 de marzo / Forum Sociale Mondiale che si realizzerà a Tunisi dal 26 al 30 marzo
During the next World Social Forum to be held in Tunis March 26 to 30 the theme of migration will be one of the most important points of discussion.