Solidarische Grüße aus München zum International Day of Action 16.2. / Solidary greetings from Munich on the International Day of Action, Feb 16 2013
Denn wir glauben fest daran: STRUGGLE! UNITY! RESISTANCE! / We believe in Unity, Resistance, Struggle! / Nous croyons en l’Unité, la Résistance, la Lutte!

16.2. – Das war der International Day of Action / Report: Feb 16, International Day of Action
USA, Niederlande, Deutschland, Österreich – eine Rückschau auf den International Day of Action. / USA, Netherlands, Germany, Austria – looking back on the International Day of Action.
München: Kongress der protestierenden Flüchtlinge in Europa vom 1.-3. März 2013 / Munich: Congress of the protesting refugees in Europe March 1st-3rd 2013
“Since March 19, 2012, we, the refugees, have been involved in a struggle for obtaining the most elementary human rights, such as freedom and equality, because we will no longer accept to be treated as “foreigners” and human beings of third degree, but instead as every other citizen. This era of our struggle started with a small tent in Würzburg and grew to a huge movement that has been spreading all over Europe.”

Grußbotschaften aus München und Salzburg
Am 29.1.2013 demonstrierten in München und in Salzburg viele Menschen ihre Solidarität mit dem am Vortag geräumten Wiener RefugeeCamp.
München: Declaration of solidarity
“The situation of refugees in Austria (as in Germany) is inhuman and intolerable!”