Video: Solidarisch Schlafen: Univ. Prof. Dr. Marina Grzinic in der Votivkirche
“Die Bedingungen unter denen Flüchtlinge zu leben gezwungen werden, das ist manchmal schlimmer als dort, von wo sie geflohen sind.” / “Sometimes the conditions that refugees are forced to live in now are worse than what they had fled.”
Protesting refugees take short break from hungerstrike – Now welcoming food donations at Votiv church! / Essensspenden sind bei der Votivkirche sehr willkommen!
Food donations are welcome! Essensspenden sind sehr willkommen!
25.1.: Refugee Protest Song beim FM4 Protestsongcontest / Refugee protest song at FM4-Protestsong-Contest / Chanson de protestation au concours de la chanson de protestation de la chaine de radio FM4
The refugee protest song, “We love Vienna, je t’aime Vienne” will be performed first time publicly in the preliminary competition on Friday 25th of January 2013 in Vienna.
Save the date! Demo, Saturday, 26th of January: We are all one!
Spread the word about the two big demonstrations (26th of January and 16th of February), talk to your collegues, bring your words … Show your solidarity and mobilize!
Video: Intervention in the Racist Structures: Refugees and Students at academy of fine arts vienna
Jan 24th, Academy of Fine Arts, with refugees, activists, theoreticians. As part of the project “Kein Runder Gang. Interventionen gegen strukturelle rassistische Diskriminierungen.”
Audio: ZIP-FM: Refugees in Votivkirche setzen Hungerstreik aus – Pressekonferenz am 23. Jänner 2013 / Audio: ZIP-FM: Refugees from Votivkirche take a break from hunger strike – Press conference January 23, 2013
Am 22. Jänner erklärten die protestierenden Refugees in der Wiener Votivkirche, ihren am 22. Dezember begonnenen Hungerstreik für zehn Tage auszusetzen. Aus diesem Anlass fand am 23. Jänner in der Votivkirche neuerlich eine Pressekonferenz der Refugees statt.
Video: Ute-Bock-Sonderpreis bei SOS-Mitmensch Matinee 20.1.2013 / Ute Bock Special Prize Award at SOS-Mitmensch Matinee January 20th, 2013
The prize money of 3.000 Euros was donated to Caritas, to support and help people in need.
The refugees emphasized that: “We don’t have a long list of demands. We want human rights, we want a normal life … We are political people, we want a solution!”
Refugees in the Votive Church appeal to people: “Help us”
“We do not blame the society; we want change,” said Khan Adalat, one of the refugees. It was clear to him that Austria had a good education, labor and social system. He appealed to the people, “We don’t want to disturb your system, but I plead with you: Help us.”
Audio: Refugee-Proteste in Wien: Solidarität mit festgenommenen und hungerstreikenden Refugees am 17. und 20. Jänner 2012 / Refugee protests in Vienna: Solidarity with the detained refugees on hunger strike January 17th and 20th, 2013
Thursday, January 17th, and Sunday, January 20th, demonstrations were held at the police prison Polizeianhaltezentrum Hernalser Gürtel, where the four refugee activists Hussain Mazhar, Gondal Sohaib, Asef Mehmood and Mohamed Absalam are imprisoned. / Am Donnerstag, den 17. Jänner sowie am Sonntag, den 20. Jänner wurde zum Polizeianhaltezentrum Hernalser Gürtel demonstriert, wo die Refugee-Aktivisten Hussain Mazhar, Gondal Sohaib, Asef Mehmood and Mohamed Absalam festgehalten werden.
Fotostrecke #6 Demo 20.1.: ‘Yes’ is an option. / Man kann auch ‘Ja’ sagen. / Il suffirait de dire ‘Oui’
Demonstration vom Volkstheater über die Votivkirche zum PAZ Hernalser Gürtel, in dem noch immer vier Aktivisten in Schubhaft sitzen.
Demonstration in Vienna in solidarity with the four refugee protesters who are in deportation detention.
Manifestation in Vienne in solidarité avec les quatre manifestants réfugiés qui sont en détention d’expulsion.
München: Kongress der protestierenden Flüchtlinge in Europa vom 1.-3. März 2013 / Munich: Congress of the protesting refugees in Europe March 1st-3rd 2013
“Since March 19, 2012, we, the refugees, have been involved in a struggle for obtaining the most elementary human rights, such as freedom and equality, because we will no longer accept to be treated as “foreigners” and human beings of third degree, but instead as every other citizen. This era of our struggle started with a small tent in Würzburg and grew to a huge movement that has been spreading all over Europe.”
Votivkirche: Refugees erhalten Ute-Bock-Sonderpreis – Preisgeld Menschen in Not gespendet / Refugees awarded Ute Bock Special Prize, prize money donated to those in need
Die Refugees in der Votivkirche sind von “SOS Mitmensch” mit dem Ute-Bock-Sonderpreis ausgezeichnet worden. Eine Gruppe der Flüchtlinge nahm den Preis am Sonntag bei der im Wiener Volkstheater stattfindenden Matinee entgegen.
Audio: FM4 Jugendzimmer Refugee Camp 18.01.2013 / FM4 Jugendzimmer Refugee Camp Jan 18th, 2013
Two of the protesting refugees tell about their life and explain the background and answer the questions of interested audience on the phone. / Zwei der protestierenden Refugees erzählen ihre Geschichte und erklären ihren Hintergrund und beantworten über eine Stunde lang die Fragen von Anrufer_innen.
Großdemonstration der Refugee-Bewegung am Sonntag – Refugees appellieren an die Zivilgesellschaft sich einzumischen / Refugee Movement’s mass rally on Sunday – Refugees appeal to the civil society to intervene
Bei der Auftaktkundgebung vor dem Volkstheater sprechen Susanne Scholl und Filmemacherin Nina Kusturica. / Susanne Scholl and Nina Kusturica will hold a speech at the rally at Volkstheater.
Parachinar turns to a valley of death
“This is a call to humanity, today I will write with the voice of my heart. I already told about all my problems when I gave the interview for the asylum but there was nobody to hear because I got two times negative. Today when you search Google & Youtube you will see and read all about the situation which we face in Pakistan, but now also hear from my heart.”