
Audio: Diskurs am Freitag: “Flüchtlinge: Hungerstreik für faire Asylbedingungen”

What kind of greivances do the refugees have to face in Austria? Why did some politicians talk about “politically instrumentalized protests” in the media? Will the protest continue?

Audio: ZIP-FM: Refugeecamp Vienna: Über die Votivkirche zum Runden Tisch und zurück in die Kälte österreichischer Flüchtlingspolitik.

“Seit nunmehr einem Monat gibt es das Refugeecamp im Sigmund-Freud-Park neben der Universität Wien und vor der Votivkirche.”

Audio: ZIP-FM: O-Ton: Runder Tisch mit Flüchtlingen, Caritas, BMI und Co

Statements nach dem Gespräch

Audio: O-Töne: Refugeecamp Vienna – Geflüchtete suchen Schutz in Votivkirche – Statements und Pressekonferenzen 18./19. Dezember 2012 / In their own words: Refugeecamp Vienna – Refugees seek protection in Votivkirche – suchen Schutz in Votivkirche – Statements and press conference December 18th/19th, 2012

Geflüchtete suchen Schutz in Votivkirche – Statements und Pressekonferenzen 18./19. Dezember 2012
Refugees seek protection in Votivkirche – Statements and press conference December 18th/19th, 2012

Audio: Radio Helsinki – Refugee Camp Vienna: Interview mit Anny Knapp (Asylkoordination)

Am International Migrants’ Day hat Imre Withalm von Radio Helsinki die Leiterin der Asylkoordination, Anny Knapp, zur derzeitigen rechtlichen und allgemeinen Lage für Asylwerber*innen in Österreich befragt.

Audio: Kultour Around The World – Refugeecamp Votivpark

On November 24th 2012, refugees marched 35km from Traiskirchen to Vienna to draw attention to the bad conditions in Traiskirchen and in other refugee camps. Kultour Around The World captured voices from the refugee protest camp in Sigmund Freud Park, where the refugees raise their voices since their arrival.

Audio: ZIP-FM-Lokalausgabe Wien – 10. Dezember 2012: Beitrag Refugee-Camp

ZIP-FM Beitrag zur Demonstration zum UN-Hauptquartier in Wien

Audio: “Refugee Protest Camp Vienna: Intense dialog with the protesters from Traiskirchen”

Radio ICAP invited 3 protesters from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen – now refugee protest camp Vienna in front the Votivkirche/Sigmund Freud Park.

Audio: Rhadio Rhabarber zum Refugee Protest Camp

Rhadio Rhabarber am 7.12.2012 zum Refugee Protest Camp

Audio: radio widerhall: Refugee-Camp Vienna

A week ago hundreds of refugees from Lager Traiskirchen built up a camp in Sigmund Freud Park in Vienna to protest and to draw attention to their situation and to the condition that they had to endure in the refugee camp. The show includes very interesting telephone interviews with 4 activists.

Audio: Radio Campus über Refugee Camp Vienna / Radio Campus on Refugee Camp Vienna

Since Saturday, 24th of November, about 170 asylum seekers have been living in a tent town in Sigmund Freud Park in the heart of Vienna. On Wednesday, Ao and Phoebe checked in to have some refugees explain to them, why they are protesting and what their demands are.

Audio: O-Ton – We Demand our Rights! – Pressekonferenz 26.11.2012 (ZIP-FM) / In Their Own Words: We Demand our Rights! – Press conference November 26th, 2012

On Friday they had marched together with hundreds of solidary companions in a demonstration more than 30 km from Traiskirchen to Vienna. Two days later, they held a press conference to present their demands, they explained their situation and announced further action.

Audio: ZIP-FM-Lokalausgabe Wien: Refugee-Camp Vienna – „Mama“ Ute Bock und Josef Hader auf Besuch

Monday, November 26th, 2012, Ute Bock and Josef Hader visited the refugee protest camp in Sigmund-Freud-Park in Vienna