Video: Pressekonferenz Votivkirche 19.12.2012 / Press conference Votivkirche December 19th 2012
Pressekonferenz Votivkirche 19.12.2012
Press conference Votivkirche December 19th 2012
Kämpfen, bis wir frei sind!
“Was würde es bedeuten, in dieser Welt geboren zu werden, wenn wir hier nicht die Möglichkeit zu einem besseren Leben sowie dafür bekommen, etwas zurückzugeben?”

Video: Flüchtlinge in der Votivkirche / The Refugeecamp Vienna expands to church
Video von der Herbergssuche der Flüchtlinge in der Votivkirche am 18. Dezember 2012 / Video on the refugees’ move into Votivkirche on December 18th, 2012 / Vidéo sur le mouvement des réfugiés en Votivkirche

Video: Tag der Offenen Zelte & Gespräche in der Votivkirche / Day of open tent and talks in Votiv Church
On December 18th, the global migrants’ action day, Refugee Protest Camp held a Day of the Open Tent. That same day, the refugees seeked protection in the church.
Audio: Kultour Around The World – Refugeecamp Votivpark
On November 24th 2012, refugees marched 35km from Traiskirchen to Vienna to draw attention to the bad conditions in Traiskirchen and in other refugee camps. Kultour Around The World captured voices from the refugee protest camp in Sigmund Freud Park, where the refugees raise their voices since their arrival.

Bicske: Interviews With Refugees Living in Refugee Camp Near Budapest
As a follow-up to the refugee protests in Budapest end of November supporters started to shoot video interviews with refugees living in Bicske refugee camp near Budapest.
Asylwerber am Wort: Wie es uns so geht / A Statement of Clarification Coming from the Camp
“Ich bin seit mehr als acht Jahren in diesem Land, ohne an die Zukunft denken zu können – ich habe acht Jahre hier verbracht, als ein Asylwerber.”
Audio: “Refugee Protest Camp Vienna: Intense dialog with the protesters from Traiskirchen”
Radio ICAP invited 3 protesters from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen – now refugee protest camp Vienna in front the Votivkirche/Sigmund Freud Park.

Video: Vierte Flüchtlingsdemonstration in Wien am 7.12.2012 / Fourth refugee protest camp demonstration, December 12th, 2012
“We, the refugees of Traiskirchen ask the Austrian government to give us the chance to a humane life, to a new life in this country. Protect us from the war in our countries, give us the chance to education and a good life.”

Video: Pressekonferenz in Traiskirchen, 30.11.2012 / Press conference in Traiskirchen, November 30th, 2012
Press conference of the protesting refugees on the current situation and the plans of minister of the interior Mikl-Leitner / Pressekonferenz der protestierenden Flüchtlinge zur aktuellen Situation und den Plänen von Mikl-Leitner
Audio: Radio Campus über Refugee Camp Vienna / Radio Campus on Refugee Camp Vienna
Since Saturday, 24th of November, about 170 asylum seekers have been living in a tent town in Sigmund Freud Park in the heart of Vienna. On Wednesday, Ao and Phoebe checked in to have some refugees explain to them, why they are protesting and what their demands are.

Video: Demonstration vom 27. November 2012 in Wien / Demo November 27th, 2012 in Vienna
“On November 27th, around 800 refugees and supporters demonstrated in Vienna’s center, to show right in this dignified area of the city, how unjust this world and Austria are: Ordinary people are being deported, brutally, back to “their” deadly “homeland”, families get separated.”

Video: Pressekonferenz 26.11.2012 im Protestcamp “Sigmund Freud-Park” / Press conference 26th of November in protest camp Sigmund Freud Park / Conférence de presse, 26. Novembre, Sigmund Freud Park
Monday, November 26th, 2012: The refugees of the protest camp “Sigmund Freud Park” Vienna held a press conference. Asylum seekers from refugee camp Traiskirchen criticized the precarious and repressive conditions in camp Traiskirchen and presented their proposals for solution.
Demands by the protesting refugees
“We the refugees from Traiskirchen now raise our voices and demand our rights.”
Open Call for Support: “We need the possibility to work so we are self-sustainable”
If you agree with the refugee demands – please support us.
you are welcome to sigmund freud park – to talk with us about our intentions, goals and our protest