Video: Protest am 10.12.2012 zum der UN-Hauptquartier / Protest on December 10th, 2012 at UN-Headquarters / Manifestation le 10 Décembre 2012 à ONU-Siège
Protest demonstration from the camp to UNHCR at UN-Headquarters in Vienna. After the demonstration had reached the headquarters, a refugee delegation had a talk with UNHCR-representatives.
Audio: Kultour Around The World – Refugeecamp Votivpark
On November 24th 2012, refugees marched 35km from Traiskirchen to Vienna to draw attention to the bad conditions in Traiskirchen and in other refugee camps. Kultour Around The World captured voices from the refugee protest camp in Sigmund Freud Park, where the refugees raise their voices since their arrival.
Open Letter to Minister Mikl-Leitner / Offener Brief an Ministerin Mikl-Leitner
We wrote a letter to Minister Mikl-Leitner, it would be nice, if many people also sent it to her, or a letter in your own words!
Bicske: Interviews With Refugees Living in Refugee Camp Near Budapest
As a follow-up to the refugee protests in Budapest end of November supporters started to shoot video interviews with refugees living in Bicske refugee camp near Budapest.
Video: We demand our rights! Demo des Refugee Protest Camps zur UNO-City
Demonstration zum UN-Hauptsitz in Wien am 10.12.2012
Asylwerber am Wort: Wie es uns so geht / A Statement of Clarification Coming from the Camp
“Ich bin seit mehr als acht Jahren in diesem Land, ohne an die Zukunft denken zu können – ich habe acht Jahre hier verbracht, als ein Asylwerber.”
Audio: ZIP-FM-Lokalausgabe Wien – 10. Dezember 2012: Beitrag Refugee-Camp
ZIP-FM Beitrag zur Demonstration zum UN-Hauptquartier in Wien
Audio: “Refugee Protest Camp Vienna: Intense dialog with the protesters from Traiskirchen”
Radio ICAP invited 3 protesters from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen – now refugee protest camp Vienna in front the Votivkirche/Sigmund Freud Park.
Lesvos: “The village of all-together”
Statt Zeltcamp, Selbstverwaltetes Willkommenszentrum von Flüchtlingen und InselbewohnerInnen an der EU-Außengrenze auf Lesbos eröffnet: “The village of all-together”.
Wir kämpfen bis die Forderungen erfüllt werden… Demo: Montag, 10. Dezember
Montag, 10. Dezember 2012: Demo des Refugee Protest Camps zum UN-Hauptquartier
Berlin: Wir sind kein Opfer, wir sind Widerstandskämpfer_innen! Wir bleiben alle!
Berlin: zwei Gebäude einer leerstehenden Schule von Refugees besetzt
Video: Demo des Flüchtlingscamp (7.12.2012, Wien) / Demo of refugee protest camp Vienna, Dec 7th 2012
On the 7th of December 2012 the refugees of Refugee Protest Camp in front of Votivkirche marched again, this time to the parliament building and the ministry of the interior.
Video: Vierte Flüchtlingsdemonstration in Wien am 7.12.2012 / Fourth refugee protest camp demonstration, December 12th, 2012
“We, the refugees of Traiskirchen ask the Austrian government to give us the chance to a humane life, to a new life in this country. Protect us from the war in our countries, give us the chance to education and a good life.”
Audio: Rhadio Rhabarber zum Refugee Protest Camp
Rhadio Rhabarber am 7.12.2012 zum Refugee Protest Camp
The refugee protest continues! Demonstration, Freitag, 7. Dezember
The demonstration route goes by the parliament, the Interior Ministry to Rossauer Lände and from there back to Sigmund Freud Park.