NGOs schließen sich offenen Briefen der Refugees an: Mehr und mehr Unterschriften!

Offener Brief der Refugees an den UN Berichterstatter für Menschenrechte von MigrantInnen, Francois Crepeau – Letter of the protesting refugees to Francois Crepeau, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
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Die Unterschriften von VertreterInnen zahlreicher zivilgesellschaftlicher und Menschenrechts-Organisationen aus Österreich und darüber hinaus – in einem Appell an Innenministerin Mikl-Leitner, die verzweifelte Lage der Geflüchteten und ihren kontinuierlichen Protest seit November 2012 nicht länger zu ignorieren
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Dear Mister Fracois Crepeau,

We, asylum seekers currently registered in Serviten-­‐Kloster in Vienna and part of the Refugee Protest Movement in Austria are seeking asylum from persecution and threats to our lives in our home countries.
We currently live under threat of forced separation or loss of our Grundversorgung (basic services) and, thus, our ability to pursue legal status in Austria. Therefore, we seek collective housing so that we can continue our struggle for human rights and legal status for asylum seekers in Austria. We demand sufficient time and assistance to arrange for adequate housing for our group of around 65 persons currently registered at Serviten-­‐Kloster that enables us to remain together UNTIL