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Say it loud and say it clear: refugees are welcome here!
Ingrid Scherney – 24. Januar 2013
Über die sozialen Netzwerke wurde Anfang der Woche zu einer Solidaritätsaktion mit den Protesten von Refugees in und um die Wiener Votivkirche aufgerufen.
Kompletter Demo-Bericht:
Hintergrundinfo: Demo-Ankündigung:
24.1.: Demo in Linz: Solidarität mit den Flüchtlingen!
Say it loud and say it clear: refugees are welcome here!
Ingrid Scherney – January 24, 2013
At around the beginning of the week a call for action was announced via social online networks to show solidarity with the refugees’ protestes in and around Votiv Church in Vienna.
Hardly anyone could stay cool when thinking and talking about the burning hearts in the freezing cold Votiv Church. On the contrary: heated discussions had broken out all over the country. Everyone at this peaceful demonstration [in Linz] could see, hear and feel this. It has been an eternity since I had last joined a demonstration: Today the time was right, and also the matter. I was having a relatively unbusy on-call duty and I was in the neighbourhood – so I went to the demo, out of solidarity with the people’s demands.
At the demonstration the core requests were announced with passion – the right of abode, the right to work and the right to the freedom of movement: Chanted by the demonstrators – many young people among them, by a refugee, who had hald out in Votiv Church for four weeks and who had just arrived from Vinna. „The same blood flows in all of us“, was one of the most touching statements.
The text above is a slightly modified translation of the following demo-Report (in german):