Video: Demo des Flüchtlingscamp (7.12.2012, Wien) / Demo of refugee protest camp Vienna, Dec 7th 2012
On the 7th of December 2012 the refugees of Refugee Protest Camp in front of Votivkirche marched again, this time to the parliament building and the ministry of the interior.

Video: Vierte Flüchtlingsdemonstration in Wien am 7.12.2012 / Fourth refugee protest camp demonstration, December 12th, 2012
“We, the refugees of Traiskirchen ask the Austrian government to give us the chance to a humane life, to a new life in this country. Protect us from the war in our countries, give us the chance to education and a good life.”
Audio: Rhadio Rhabarber zum Refugee Protest Camp
Rhadio Rhabarber am 7.12.2012 zum Refugee Protest Camp