Video of the Press Conference 24. 4. 2013
Video of the Press Conference of the Refugee Protest Vienna on 24. 4. 2013 at the former Servitenkloster. (Clicking on the picture above will open the video on youtube in a new tab or window.)
Program for Friday Evening Events in May
The Program for download: as Flyer (pdf) /// as Poster (pdf) Please help to print and spread ! Events take place at the Servitenkloster, Entrance Müllnergasse 6, 1090 Vienna. 26/04/2013 7 p.m. Filmscreening: “Denn wir leben von der gleichen Luft” http://afrique-europe-interact.net/?article_id=453&clang=0 Between 25th of January and 11th of February 2011, 500 activists moved from […]